Nelson's Compact Series: Compact Bible Commentary
Nelson's Compact Series: Compact Bible Commentary
YearMonthDay of Publication: 20040801
Standardized Book Category: Biblical Commentary - General
Page Count:
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The ability to translate scripture into modern-day application is at your fingertips. Nelson's new Compact Bible Commentary is perfect for beginning Bible readers, students, pastors, and teachers--ordinary believers seeking a fresh and current perspective--all in a portable travel size. Over forty evangelical scholars created this rich resource, an abridgement of the already-successful Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary. It is compact yet comprehensive, engaging every book of the Bible. Easy-to-understand translations and verse-by-verse explanations, combined with the latest historical research, make this an all-in-one resource for Christians. Applicable for studying with the King James Version, New King James Version, New International Version, and other popular translations. This book makes a great gift if you're looking for a solid, economical study product with thought-provoking insight and answers.
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