Togo and Leonhard
Togo and Leonhard
YearMonthDay of Publication: 20200301
Standardized Book Category: Historical - General
Page Count:
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TOGO and Leonhard is the inspiring true story about the relationship between Alaska's most famous musher, Leonhard Seppala, and his legendary lead dog, Togo. Through Leonhard Seppala's arrival as an immigrant from Norway, to the birth of a tiny, sickly puppy who was not expected to live, this action-packed story follows the evolution of Togo and Leonhard into one of the most extraordinary relationships between a man and dog in the history of dog mushing. They are best known for their participation in the 1925 deadly, diphtheria epidemic that threatened the icebound community of Nome, Alaska. Life-saving serum was relayed to Nome over 674 frozen miles by a series of 20 dog teams. Togo bravely lead his team through raging storms, over the longest distance, and across breaking sea ice on the most dangerous part of the relay. Togo was the subject of the Disney movie, Togo.
The story is told by Iditarod Sled Dog Race finisher Pam Flowers, who mushed her own team over many of the same trails as traveled by Togo and Leonhard Seppala.
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